Tuesday, February 18, 2014


To become a better youth, there are four areas youYouth Group need to really focus on and these are;
·         Attitude
·         Finance
·         Career
·         Sex

Attitude is everything by Keith Harrell
'Your attitude today determines your success tomorrow'
Your attitude is one of the first things that people notice about you.

You may not be able to change your height but you can change your attitude

One thing you should know is that if your attitude is bad, it can be better, if it is good, it can be better

Each of us has the power to choose a positive attitude over a negative one
You must work at an attitude that improves the quality of your lives.

Your attitude is a tool for positive action
Take responsibility for what goes inside your mind
Identify the attitude that holds you back or pushes you forward
Reframe your bad attitude into a positive one...e.g. Anger into Gratitude, revenge into forgiveness

Learn to motivate yourself!
Be pre-active by preparing yourself for hard times. A positive attitude will help you stay on course

Build supportive relationships. Remember that nobody makes it alone in the world
You can form a BBM group with like minds on specific area of interest.
You need people that will help you fight off negative attitudes
See change as an opportunity
Leave a lasting legacy


1: Pursue education: Education is still the best legacy as it will give a hedge ahead others who are not educated. You can’t stop learning in life; you can  get enroll into polytechnics, universities, colleges etc. for a full time or part time course depending on your finance or time schedule. You can also apply for online courses. As for financing, you can  get involve in work study programs in school, thrive to have good grades as there are organisations like SHELL, CHEVRON etc. which give scholarships to outstanding students.   

2: Ascertain your personal features; what are you good at doing? Apart from the course you are studying at school, there will be other things that you are good at; it may be singing, dancing, football etc. Develop these skills because you never can tell when it will speak for you.

3: Plan your retirement: A journey of a thousand miles, they say begins with a step, the same thing apply to life, if fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. It is not too early to start planning your retirement; this will even encourage you to work effectively as you have a purpose and a plan for working. You can ask yourself some questions when making this plan. Questions like: when do I want to retire? Where do I want to retire? After retirement what next?  ................. to be cont..

MRS Odunukwe.

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