Sunday, March 30, 2014


O careless soul
Will you not heed the pleadings of the Saviour?
Will you take for granted His sufferings and shame?
Will those bitter tears of His over you be in vain again today?
Will you not surrender your all to Him henceforth?

O careless soul
Why do you think things will continue the way it had always been?
Why do your ambitions deceive you that tomorrow will be better?
Why do you think there will be another opportunity after this one?
Why are you postponing the day of your salvation?

O careless soul
For how long do you think the Saviour will be waiting?
For how long are you sure you will live on earth?
For how much will you trade your eternal destiny?
For the time is at hand, the Saviour is knocking again today.

O careless soul
When will you let the Saviour into your heart?
 When will you stop these arguments and break down in tears?
When will you cut off that relationship and receive Jesus?
When, when, when will you be set free from sin?

O concerned soul
The blood of Jesus is powerful to make you truly clean;
There is salvation in no other but this exalted name – JESUS;
There you are, not by works but by grace through faith,
The life of Christ will spring from within and the victory given.

O concerned soul
This is the only route to the celestial city of God.
Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see God.
The standard cannot change for anyone – no respect of persons with God.
We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth.

O concerned soul
You can there on your knees seek God’s face for salvation so real.
 You can be given the Spirit’s witness and the spirit of adoption.
You can be separate from the world and filth – wholly set apart.
You can join like minds to fellowship and seek your growth.

O soul, the Saviour is calling passionately, will you respond now?

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