Friday, March 7, 2014


Learning is an inseparable part of human life. It is said that you are not better than what you know. According to the Conc. Thesaurus dictionary, Learning is defined as knowledge or skills acquired through experience or study or by being taught. Of a truth, it is very difficult to soar beyond one’s knowledge in any facet of life hence, it is expedient to seek knowledge if we (individual and the society at large must progress). It is important to know that we all continue to learn everyday be it that we are young or old, whether actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, learning continues! The learning process could be formal (training received in school) or informal (unofficial).For the formal learning process, reading is an integral part. It is worthy of note taking that no teacher or lecturer can give you all that you need. If you desire to be an excellent student or what many people will call an outstanding student, you have got to go an extra mile by getting more information on any topic, subject or concept than what your facilitator has given you – this is what makes an excellent student. Remember,
people who are outstanding do not have more time than others in a day but they make better use of theirs.
            From the above definition of learning, three processes of learning can be identified viz: Experience, Study and being taught  .The Advanced Learners” dictionary defines experience as the knowledge or skill w  hich is obtained from doing, seeing or feeling things. Since doing and seeing are involved in the experience process, we could say there is reading experience because sight and action are very much involved while reading. Being taught of course simply refer to you listening to someone as he/she dishes out instructions on how to get something done or when action is involved, you watch the person do it. However, there is more to study. While learning through experience and being taught something could either be passive or active, study will always be active.
            Study has been defined in a number of ways:

ü To examine something very carefully.
ü To learn about a subject, especially in an educational course or by reading books.
ü To examine a subject in detail in order to discover new information. 
All three definitions are from the Advanced Learners’ dictionary. From all of the above definitions of study, it is of great importance to state that reading is important, that reading is of a necessity to achieve this great task. Though this could be coupled with creative thinking to bring about  practical applications to human life and how to use their reservoir of knowledge to better the present situation of mankind for students who still want to be different among the so called ”excellent students”. Remember, Garbage In Garbage Out! Also, a man diligent in his works shall stand before kings and not mean (average) men. The same way, he who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly while he who shows bountifully shall reap bountifully.
            I am more than sure that a lot of Nigerians particularly the students are probably more aware than me about these facts. All these are not really new topic of discussions; they’ve been said a lot of times. It is even a possibility that a vast majority can talk better about these than my humble self but yet, we continue to have problems with our studies, skill acquisitions and in brevity all our life endeavours. It is obvious that not a lot of us are paying the price but of a truth we all want to get good results.
            Now, have you ever stopped to reflect on what Nigerian youths prefer to his/her studies, career or even his/her spiritual life? Well, my answers may be as good as yours! What is supposed to be a “blessing” is looking like a “curse”. The sudden escalation in the use of electronic gadgets, the increasing use of social media, the ever improving internet connectivity have all done more harms than good. To avoid misconception, I must say in clear terms that the above are good and still have their innumerable merits but there is a way they interfere and take away valuable and precious times away without us noticing it.
            If well used and maximum advantages are taken, the afore-mentioned platforms could be so educative and informative. The platform provided on which the net can be surfed in a flash and information gotten as fast as you can ever think of – it must be said that life is made ridiculously simpler and easier. Compared to our fathers era when they have to sit in one magnificent library searching through humongous books (encyclopedia) and a lot of volumes just to get a piece of information. Or, shall we talk about the opportunities technology has afforded us to send messages on different platforms as it is convenient for us within a twinkle of an eye. The great speed of the Short Message Service (SMS), the convenience of sending and receiving files and documents over the Electronic-mail service within split seconds, the unexplainable joy you experience when you share files of events with your friends and family members who are missing out real time.
            The above are in sharp contrasts with the old day’s ways of doing things. The tiring paper-pen way of writing a letter, posting the letter is another gruesome experience in which it may take weeks for a parcel to be moved from Lagos to Ibadan, Nigeria. Many times, the messages arrive so late that it is even better not received. All of these and many others, technology has provided solution to, but that does not mean that all that technology has brought to us are good.

These days, an average Nigerian youth enjoys the company of his/her electronic gadgets: the blackberry phones, the smart phones, the tablets, iPods, iPads and a host of other android operating devices not to talk of a wide range of accessory devices, applications and a variety of laptops. However, the inquisitive and probing question is “how much of the operations are innovative, educative, life-impacting and life-changing?” The answer will be; “very infinitesimal!”.

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