Sunday, March 9, 2014


I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Rev 3: 14, 15)

So calmly do I address this article to all Christians on this campus; to all who are named by one fellowship, gathering or not. The Spirit bids me exhort us all that we should examine ourselves once again with the imminence of the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A near Christian is one who only has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof. Such a person is a misfit for the kingdom and a misfit for the society. Such a one neither enjoys the fullness of blessings of the righteous nor completely enjoys the fading glory of the world. Such a one neither benefits from God’s fullness, the bounties accruing to those who worship in His sanctuary nor explores the temporary beauty the world has to offer. Unfortunately both have a common destiny. Hence Jesus says, I would that you were either cold or hot. Dear reader, may I calmly give an advise, it would be better for one to be a full sinner, completely enjoy the toys and mirage of sin, than to be an almost or partial Christian for both cannot see God.

A near Christian may go to church, sing praises or even be a lead singer, may pastor a large church, may speak with the tongues of men and angels, give offerings and tithe meticulously, pay as it were a level of reverence to God and profess good works as in giving alms and helping the needy but has not laid that life in humble consecration and yieldedness; has not the love of God reigning supreme within. There may still be times such
a one can put Christ aside and flagrantly go his own way. Sounds incredible that someone with such qualities is a near Christian! Dear friend, God is not interested in our service, money, intelligent quotient if we have not given Him our heart and love in humble and firm resolution and surrender. So God says, MY SON GIVE ME YOUR HEART… not by word of mouth but in reality. So carefully do we need to examine ourselves in the light of God’s word; the everlasting standard.

Dear reader, as we take a holistic view on the state of Christianity on this campus, there is a sad erosion of the grace of God. The sincerity and sobriety of saved believers is fast gone. In fact, people are confused, they prefer to be mild sinners going to Hell than to be outrageous Christians so called who bank on the grace of God and the gradual change from darkness to light(which is a lie) to perpetrate sin. These things ought not to be so. The Saviour weeps as He beholds His church, the distinctives are gone, the mighty transformation and resurrection which He came to impact through the supernatural work of the Spirit is elusive.
Friends, indeed we have despised His holy things, and have profaned his Sabbaths. We have secretly said within: the Lord does not see; the Lord does not care. We have gone into His sanctuary with idols in our hearts, our lips have uttered perverse things. Should not God visit us mightily with His anger? Would He not be justified when He speaks and be clear when He judges?
O God in the midst of anger remember mercy! Be glorified in our reformation, not in our destruction! Let us hear your rod and you who appointed it. Now that your judgments are abroad in the earth, let the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness! Turn us, O good Lord, and let your anger cease from us. O Lord, look down from heaven, behold and visit this vine, and cause us to know the time of our visitation. Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name! O deliver us, and be merciful to our sins, for your name’s sake, and so we will not go back from you. O let us live, and we shall call upon your name. Turn us again, O Lord God of Host! Show us the light of your countenance, and we shall be whole. Amen.
                                                                                                                                                                (Charles Wesley)
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from ALL sin. (I John 1: 7)

Gospel Publication Unit 

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